Understanding Proper Storage Practices

Understanding Proper Storage Practices

3 Types Of Household Items You Can Store In A Self-Storage Facility

by Charles Martinez

Most people don't realize they have a lot of stuff in their homes, perhaps until they relocate. Having too much stuff in your home can sometimes interfere with the safety, convenience, and comfort levels you want to maintain at home. However, a self-storage unit can be a reliable solution because you can store some items there, creating more space in your home. Here are some of the household items you can store in a storage facility to avoid a cramped house.  


Furniture pieces are a great investment for every homeowner. However, you may sometimes have limited space for them. For instance, if someone gifted you a new dining table or leather couch, you may have a storage challenge, more so if you still want to retain the current furniture and have limited space. However, a residential self-storage facility could be a timely solution for you because you can store some there while you look for a bigger house or determine what to do with the furniture. Storage facilities are an incredible investment because they are usually tightly closed and temperature-regulated, so pests and humidity won't easily damage your furniture. 

Books and Media

Do you invest more frequently in books, photos, music collections, home movies, and other media? If you do, you may soon have limited or no space for them. And since some could be too expensive or irreplaceable, you may not want to give them away or even sell them. However, they may clutter your living space with time, making it an unfriendly and unsafe environment. Storing them in a safe storage unit could be an excellent idea, even as you work on a permanent solution. It helps you avoid damage, mainly if you live in an area prone to floods.

Household Appliances

Self-storage could also be a great investment for household appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, dryers, and laundry machines. Some of these appliances can experience nasty damage when exposed to extreme cold or heat. For instance, their mechanical and electronic components could rust or get cracked due to poor storage. Mold or mildew could also grow inside due to unsuspected roof or basement leaks. In this case, you should store your appliances in a storage facility until all the leak issues are fixed. Where possible, consider getting a climate-controlled unit to ensure they remain in perfect condition for a long time.

Other household items you could store in a self-storage unit include sporting equipment, luggage bags, holiday decorations, baby gear, winter wear, artwork, and collectibles. 

Contact a local residential self-storage facility to learn more. 


About Me

Understanding Proper Storage Practices

I have never been the kind of person who loves to go through and eliminate clutter, but about six months ago, I realized that my storage space was a complete nightmare. It was really difficult to figure out what I needed to do and where I needed to put things, but the more I cleaned, the more I realized how much I had left to tidy up. It was amazing to see how far things progressed, and before I knew it, my space looked and felt a lot better. This blog is all about understanding proper storage practices and keeping your unit immaculate.